Love this!!!!

Allison Marie

fairy house 12 (1024x768).jpg

I love making fairy houses! They’re so cute and add a whimsical pop wherever you put them. This time I made a fairy house in an old stump in my grandparents’ woods. I bought the toadstool table set and ladder from Hobby Lobby, and the rest of the things I had on hand. But the great thing about fairy houses is you can make them however you like – with lots of store bought goodies or with none at all! It’s really fun to make a fairy house out of only natural things, such as twigs, moss, bark, nutshells, and rocks.

You definitely don’t have to make your fairy house in a stump – you can even make one in a pretty pot for inside. I’ll walk you through how I made this fairy house to give you some inspiration, then you can change things up however you like.

Step 1: Find…

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